Friday 30 December 2011

Values For Children

In this “happening” and fast world we live in, everyone is impatient and in a hurry to make money, excel in their careers and be ahead of others in practically everything. It is a mad race for recognition and materialistic success. I and others in my age group grew up under different conditions when the world was a much slower place and people had time for each other.

I am bringing up this subject because of my concern that in the present day world, full of distractions and full of competition, that we may not be doing justice as elders and parents towards the younger generation. Is the younger generation vulnerable and is it in deficit as far as possessing good values is concerned?

There are a few aspects, which my ‘wandering’ mind is debating. For example, are we teaching our children correctly with respect to sustainability and care for the environment? Are we teaching them to stand up against and fight against injustice and wrongdoing? Are we teaching them to be good citizens?

Other small things that we should teach our children are:

*    Respect for tradition: Teach them to respect our culture and tradition. They may be anywhere in   the world, but they should always remember from where they came
*     Respect for elders: This is a very important quality. They should not forget that elders built and toiled for whatever they have

*        Respect for institutions: Their school, college and workplace are institutions that groomed them

*        Honesty and Integrity: Teach them to value these qualities

*        Compassionate attitude: Teach them to respect and help those who are not unfortunate as them

These are only some of the values we have to instill in our children. These are only the tip of the iceberg. And values are not generated overnight. These are to be instilled in young minds. We should lead and guide them by example. Probably many of us don’t have these values. However, if we have to leave this world a better place to live in it is absolutely necessary that we pay attention to our youth and teach them to be good and compassionate human beings