Friday 23 December 2016

Natural Magical oil for hair growth

There are two things people dread when it comes to their hair: greying, and hair loss. Although these are both natural phenomena that take place with the passage of time, there are those who are lucky enough to not experience them. But there are also those who are unfortunate enough to experience one or the other-or even both-well before the expected age. But like every other problem out there, there is always a solution, and the best solutions are always natural.Of course, these are tough to come by in today’s market, but today
will share natural  hair oil for hair growth , grey hairs and hair fall. 

  • Hibiscus - The flower is an efficient remedy to put a stop to hairfall , encourage regrowth, and prevent premature graying.

  • Curry Leaves- Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants that moisturize the scalp while getting rid of dead   hair follicles. They are good source of proteins and beta-carotene , both of which prevents hair loss and thinning. The leaves are also rich in amino acids that help strengthen follicles and keep them healthy.

  • Gooseberry- It removes unwanted flakes off the scalp. It also helps in opening of the pores thereby    giving room to the scalp to produce natural oils . This encourages hair regrowth. Amla is  highly rich in vitamin C , which stops hair breakage. Its Antioxidants property  will prevent hair from premature greying.

  • Brahami - It helps hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles thus invigorating the hair growth. Its also   removes dandruff , itchiness, formation of split ends and flakes.

  • Maka (Bhringaraj )- Its prevent greying hairs , balding , makes hair darker and promotes deep sleep.

  • Henna Leaves -  Henna helps in maling the hair stronger . Henna being a good nourishing conditioner makes hair look smooth and beautiful . A regular and direct application of henna helps keep dandruff and itchiness at bay.


1/2 litre Coconut oil
30-40 Hibiscus flowers 
4 gooseberry  (amla)
4 handful curry leaves
2 handful henna leaves
2 handful brahami leaves
2 handful maka leaves ( Bhringaraj )

Method for Hair Oil :

1 Grate Gooseberry and sundry it separately.

2 Dry all rest ingredients for 3 -4 days till crisp . 

3 Then finally grind all sundried coarsely and tie it in muslin cloth 

4. Take kadhai and add coconut oil to boil . 

5  add that mixture  bundle in oil to boil for 15 -20 minutes and later leave the bundle inside the oil for one  day . 

6. Next day pour in old oil bottle . 

And now this magical oil will solve most hair problems if used regularly . Apply twice a  week for good result .